
Hi! Real short:

I'm an Engineer currently studying Computer Science at Stanford. I'm a fellow of Fundação Estudar and of Ismart, two foundations that completely changed my life.

I've been a Software Engineering Intern at Airbnb and at Khan Academy, a co-founder at Hike Academy (a programming academy) and at Cheque (a mobile app to foster political accountability in Brazil), and a lecturer at CS 106 BR (a class that my friends and I brought from Stanford to Brazil).

I became interested in education and impact after witnessing the opportunity gap between the slum where I lived and more privileged groups. My aspiration is to use technology to create tools that will empower people in the same way I was empowered in a more scalable manner.

After my second year in college, professor Dr. David Kelley (co-founder of IDEO) convinced me that I should take a gap year to “do something extraordinary”. During my gap yearh, I spent four months working in New Delhi with tGELF and after that I moved back to Brazil to join a couple of friends in the quest of increasing our country's employability.